Thursday, November 5, 2009

Kyle's Korner: Fuck The Right Wing!

The time has come for me to put my political science studies into good use. I would say my political science degree but I can't say that til May. Anyways, in the past few weeks a lot of discussion has focused on the rate of change in a year after the election of Obama and also the "war" between the White House and Fox News. All of this got my mind aglow and my emotions stiring. After a few days of thought and reading and discussing these topics in class, I have come to some conclusions. All of them seem to deal with the right wing!
The first is that the conservatives in this country must have had a conference or something and decided they were going to rename themselves to the Grand Ol' Bullshit Party. The right wing didn't get mad when our President decided to fight an "illegal" war, when the government illegally wiretaped citizens, when congress passed the Patriots' Act (the worst bill ever), when we tortured prisoners of war, when the conditions at Walter Reed Veteren's Hospitial were exposed, when we let an entire city drown in the biggest governmental let down in the history of this country, or when our conservative supreme court intervened and decided an election which led to all of this. But they get mad at a President for trying to improve health care for Americans who cannot afford to have it. How Un-American of him!
The next is the "pace of change" issue Americans are having with the Obama administration. When you have an economy in the shitter, banks going under, and a floundering war in two countries on the other side of the world all because of George Walker "Texas Ranger" Bush and his trusty sidekick "Tricky" Dick, its difficult to change the things that you want to change. The fact that we aren't in a depression or that the Dow is over 10,000 is a bloody miracle if you look at what it was when Obama took office. We let a President make change quickly the last 8 years and look where it got us. Positive change takes time and ten months is not really much time. Let's talk about this after 2 years when we should be out of Iraq and have a thriving economy again. "Pace of change" my ass! Just another one of Fox News' conservative attempts to foster hatred towards Obama.
The last thing I would like to discuss is this "war" that Fox News is having with the White House because the White House said that Fox News is lying and making false statements about the Obama's reign. Well guess what Fox News? YOU ARE LYING! You make up these things about Death Panels and Illegal Immigrants getting benefits under the health care bill. Or how about Glenn Beck's comparison of Obama to Hitler. Or my favorite, that we are falling into a Socialist country. All completely false. By the way Socialism is amazing. Free college, free health care, lower crime rates, higher standards of living, and cleaner environments. That kind of sounds like what people really want in a country. Oh, so you have to pay higher taxes? That seems as if you want all those things without paying a price. That's freaking impossible! If you haven't seen Jon Stewart's attack on Fox News last week I recommend you check it out below.
It seems to me that the right wing wants Obama to fail. Actually thats exactly what they want. They want a divided country because they are miserable, self-loathing, biast assholes who have nothing better to do then pick apart a nation built on a foundation of unity amongst people with differing opinions. Thomas Jefferson may have disliked Federalists but he never made up bullshit about them. He simply did his best at convincing people he was right and they were wrong. Maybe if the right wing was right about anything they could do that too. With all this said I have only one last thing to say. Fuck the Right Wing!

Daily Show Video

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